Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Swimming With Bowel Problems

Book on Tuesday - Tuesday featuring: Mila Marchetti

When we speak of Country Painting is often thought to the fabulous American artists and yet we, in our beloved Italy, we have an artist of the highest order: Mila Marchetti. passionate about creative arts, a great talent in his pocket, Mila has formed its own with the most 'famous teachers from overseas and recently collaborated with the magazine add with its projects and with shops and associations as a teacher. Just recently an article was published in the most 'important magazine American Decorative Painting, the first Italian to do so. I am pleased to present this in my blog because it was also one of the first "virtual friends" met at the beginning of my adventure over the web.
When speaking about Country Painting we can not avoid thinking about the fabulous American artists and yet, in our beloved italian country, there is an artist of the highest order: Mila Marchetti . Passionate about creative arts, a great talent in her pocket, Mila has attended classes of the most famous teachers from overseas and now is working with the magazine ADD with her projects and with shops and associations as a teacher. Recently an article was published in the most important magazine of American Decorative Painting, the first Italian artist to do so. I am pleased to feature her in my blog also because she Was one of my first "virtual friends" at the beginning of my adventure on the web.
Your site / Her site: Mila Marchetti
His blog / Her blog: Bell book and candle season /
And here some of his creations: Some of her works:


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