Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Penalty For French In Uk

cake with roses for Rosalba

Here's another birthday cake prepared for Rosalba, the mother of a friend my son.
It 's a pds chocolate yes, now I use it, I love it:)) I stuffed with Nutella and cream of Nanny
and' a very good cream, very gentle, l ' only difference is that I did not use the flour but the starch. I leave you the recipe:


200ml milk
2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons of flour (I used potato starch)
200ml whipping cream sweetened
a small vial of vanilla flavor

Boil the milk. Mix flour, sugar and vanilla, gradually add in the hot milk, stirring well to avoid lumps. Put on fire over a low heat and allow to thicken for a few minutes. When completely cold add the whipped cream.

The exterior of the cake is decorated with cream roses and in pdz .... but not the usual roses ... I happened to see this video on FB and I are so glad that I wanted to try them too ... and if we are successful then I would succeed the first time all ^ __ ^
Of course mine are not perfect as those of the video, but this time we went by and I'm satisfied ..... eheheh
For those who would like to try me in the video .... roses here are really easy to do;)

(with the hope that the video see !!!!!!)

beccatevi And now a bit 'of photos ....

... .. I know how fanatical today ..... beccatevene other two ... tie .... ahahahaha

.... oh well ... ... this time not from the last I can not complain, really liked me, but more importantly the birthday girl liked it even more than taste and appearance, and this is very very important ...

A hug to all s

kisses kisses


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asperg, Respiratory Disease

happy prize award 101

Grazie ad Antonietta per avermi scelto per questo bellissimo premio! Purtroppo in questo periodo I do not have the opportunity to participate actively, but I certainly agree volentieri.ElencherĂ² 10 things I love best 'and present the award to those who leave a comment:)

1. I love laughing
2. my grandchildren, Anita and Francis
3. get involved with new experiences
4. raccoons
5. Venice
6. loneliness and isolation when not
7. chocolate strawberry
8. create with polymer clay
9. orchids
10. travel

The order is not to preference:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cervical Mucus Before Period Begins

service notice:)

For health reasons (not mine) this week Adranna not broadcast these two categories on Tuesday and Friday, broadcasts will resume as soon as possible ...
For Health Reasons Tuesday and Friday this week my programms will not be on air, I'll be back asap. Stay tuned.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Xpress Train 2 Online

Tutorial Friday / Friday Tutorial: The Tree of Life / Tree of Life pendant

Here is a pendant is not too complicated to do but certainly very nice pendant
A not too complicated to do But really nice
Source / Source: Sharon Camille

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Diagrams Of A Brazilian Wax

cake .... rough!! Pepper Biscuits

E 'ugly, I know it's bad, I think it's one of the ugliest cake I've ever done, I could not find even a name !!!!!! I was
asked to prepare this birthday cake for today, the old lady said above it did not take anything for decoration, but I leave it white so ... so ... I wanted, so what did I do?? I thought I'd write at least wishes, so I took the gel, but not that I always use another brand, I began to write, and damn it was put to pour from all sides ... has expanded at a glance possession of the smooth surface of the cake (cabbage once I had come too smooth!)
My first instinct was to lacquer on it to stop it, but ... it would be nice eeemmmm then give away a cake slinguazzata already, so with a spatula I pull it off trying to make less damage as possible, however, even if the damage was already done .... damn me and my testaccio hard, I could not for once starmene good and quiet??
NO, I always have to take action!!
Anyway, I tried to make up for writing with the cream slightly tinted pink and "decorated" (Ah, that big word!) With roses made of pdz.

The inside of the cake is made with chocolate this PDS which I changed only the quantity of replacing butter with half dose of sunflower seed oil. Stuffed with Nutella and whipped cream, wet it lightly with milk and a bit 'of chocolate liqueur

But the birthday girl liked it, said it was very nice and pretty simple .. .... will probably lied ??????
I'll never know ... Mr!

Kisses kisses

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Swimming With Bowel Problems

Book on Tuesday - Tuesday featuring: Mila Marchetti

When we speak of Country Painting is often thought to the fabulous American artists and yet we, in our beloved Italy, we have an artist of the highest order: Mila Marchetti. passionate about creative arts, a great talent in his pocket, Mila has formed its own with the most 'famous teachers from overseas and recently collaborated with the magazine add with its projects and with shops and associations as a teacher. Just recently an article was published in the most 'important magazine American Decorative Painting, the first Italian to do so. I am pleased to present this in my blog because it was also one of the first "virtual friends" met at the beginning of my adventure over the web.
When speaking about Country Painting we can not avoid thinking about the fabulous American artists and yet, in our beloved italian country, there is an artist of the highest order: Mila Marchetti . Passionate about creative arts, a great talent in her pocket, Mila has attended classes of the most famous teachers from overseas and now is working with the magazine ADD with her projects and with shops and associations as a teacher. Recently an article was published in the most important magazine of American Decorative Painting, the first Italian artist to do so. I am pleased to feature her in my blog also because she Was one of my first "virtual friends" at the beginning of my adventure on the web.
Your site / Her site: Mila Marchetti
His blog / Her blog: Bell book and candle season /
And here some of his creations: Some of her works:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Solid Core Scooter Wheels

quiet day than yesterday, and saw that I was alone at home, to pass the time I started flipping through several magazines to cooking:)
On "Sweets for all occasions" I found these cookies a bit 'special, simple and quick to make, and it was love at first sight.
from the outset that I do not really like the pepper so I decreased the dose.


300g of flour 200g of honey (I used a raw wildflower honey ... I love the raw ^___^)
50g butter 2 egg yolks 1 teaspoon
cinnamon (mine was very abundant)
1 spoonful of pepper (I half tablespoon)
10g of baking powder to taste milk

Let the butter soften and with the electric whisk, knead with honey ...

... until creamy.

Sift flour and baking powder, add a little 'time to the creamed butter obtaining a hard and a bit' crumbled. Mix with pepper and cinnamon.

Add the egg yolks and milk (a tablespoon or so) and knead the dough.

Take small amounts from mixing, formed into balls and mash them between your hands.
place them in the baking tray lined with baking paper and cook at 170 degrees for about 10/15 '(regulator depending on your oven) or until they are just golden.

Some have decorated them with a piece of candied cherries and almonds ... with almonds are really good!!

next time ^___^

kisses kisses


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Verses 21

Tart crumbled to jam Paoletta

Yeah, Paoletta I always try its sweet fantastic, but I try to resist ... the diet continues ... but ... but ... this I could not say no !!!!!!
It 's a very good pie and fast, as we like to be stuffed:)

To achieve that you need:

300g flour 1 egg
100g sugar 120g butter
half a sachet of yeast 1 pinch of salt
taste of your favorite jam or nutella

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, egg and butter. The result is a compound crumbled.

Butter a baking dish and pour half the mixture, pour some jam on it ... I used my apple jam with cinnamon and cloves very good !!

Cover with the rest of the dough, trying not to be holes.

Bake at 160 degrees for half an hour.
Cool the crust, the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Here is Nternal .......

mmmmmmmmmm ..... too good ...... .......

... even my little brat liked ^___^

kisses kisses

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Star Spa New Jersey Reviews

15:00 pm .... the small finally fell asleep ... I close my eyes and relax five minutes ... peace ... with a sigh that I get up I saw the other two ... I wonder if they're doing homework ...
get down to the kitchen and found my children who are pretending to be scholars together with their friends ... giggle ... blessed them and taunt each other .....
I take my notebook of recipes to try, "I sit with them and start to browse the inspiration just waiting when my son said to me:" Mommy we prepare the tea? "
Me: "Sure .... what do you want?"
him: "I do ?????" pancakes
I ..... smile: "But ceeeerto !!!!!" and while I think (but it was rather a slice of bread?? Ugh I've got no desire !!!!!). Thus began the search for the recipe for pancakes ... and can not find it !!!!!
guffaw in me ... now saddled ihihihih .... ..... bread and nutella and air seraphic say: "I can not find the recipe ... but look at me .... five pairs of 'eyes staring at me and ask me to look better .... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh ... their eyes pierce me ... look ... look .... look for the recipe ... Here it is! All happy and I get up and I start work ... eyes on the books please! eheheh

To prepare the pancakes I used:

200g flour 2 eggs 250ml milk
2 teaspoons of yeast
half teaspoon of salt 1 spoon of
sugar 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

In a bowl, sift flour with baking powder, add sugar, salt and mix.
Divide the egg yolks from egg whites and whip them steadfast. Lightly beat the egg yolks. In a small bowl mix the milk with the oil and pour a little 'time on the flour, stirring to dissolve clots (I use the mixer electric). Combine the egg yolks and mix again. Add the egg and, with a wooden spoon, gently incorporate the mixture until a fairly thick batter.

Lightly oil a frying pan with a diameter of about 10cm, it heat well and pour three tablespoons of batter.

Cook until the surface begins to dry and you form bubbles.

Turn and cook the other side.

Here they are ready to be enjoyed ...

Obviously they that have both wanted and nutella nutella .... is ... so I put a few tablespoons in a saucepan with a bit 'of milk and I did dissolve ... and then ... mmmmmm ....

here .... and hungry .... and the little that she woke up just in time for lunch ...

... and this all alone??
but it is for you ^_____^

baci baci
