Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sample Wedding Letters


Apre al pubblico il nuovo
Centro Polifunzionale Giovanile
del Comune di Ferrara ad opera della neonata associazione di associazioni
Magazzini Generali – forniture per la cultura
Il centro tornerà infatti fruibile alla cittadinanza dopo la recente opera di restauro della palazzina progettata da Carlo Savonuzzi nella prima metà del ‘900, grazie al contributo della Regione Emilia-Romagna e all’intervento del Comune di Ferrara. I Magazzini Generali di Ferrara tornano a nuova vita grazie all’aggregazione Cultural Associations Awal ,
Opificio dell'Almagesto
, Puntozero
Ri-Pinwheel and
Yoruba:: contemporary art spread

, to create a center of production and training of different forms of art, turned to the young population, with the intent to promote the interdisciplinary approach to knowledge dissemination and knowledge about contemporary art and culture of reuse, to promote the creative expressions of young people, as well as to collaborate with local authorities and with similar associations, are able to grow the structure.
FUTURE ACTIVITIES General Stores - Supplies
culture will produce a series of events, including laboratory activities, art projects, training experiences and artistic production as part of a coordinated planning.
The organization of the event will pay special attention to a younger, involving such persons in an active and dynamic.
Future activities
Magazzini Generali will:
promote the culture of reuse projects through art education and environmental awareness aimed at younger children, facilitating contact with waste materials, discovering creative potential, ecological and environmentally friendly;
promote awareness of contemporary dance and interdisciplinary art production; sensitize the youth population and a 'new' public of the trial choral and accessibility to the arts;
develop and enhance the fabric design local
produce dance and theater and dance also popular in the international circuit;

extend awareness and knowledge of creating events / activities that combine together the various contemporary languages, the potential involvement of artists from different backgrounds through shared creative paths, creating research, information, planning and dissemination of contemporary art.


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