Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthday Clip Art By Month

Eye eggs !!!!!!!

Tra qualche seventh is Halloween, and although I personally do not like it much, but it amuses me to prepare something for my kids and their friends. Last year me and my broccoli prepare witch's fingers and was a success, as well as a lot of fun!
Today I started to wander around the web looking for something nice and easy to prepare with them, and among the many wonderful ideas and there was this simple .... stuffed eggs that turn into Halloween eyes!
What do you need? A few little things ... I used:

5 eggs 1 can of tuna 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
olives (I think that if you use the black, the effect is much nicer ....)

Boil eggs in salted water, peel them when ready, cut them in half, remove the yolk and store it in a bowl. Combine it with the drained tuna, mayonnaise and parsley and mix all together with the mini piper, or put everything into the blender and give it a nice puree until everything is well mixed. Moisten hands, form the mixture into balls and place them in the cavities of egg whites. Halve the olives pitted and put them in the center of each dumpling. With ketchup fill the inside of each oil and draw lines on whites.

And here they are simple, fast and good too:))

A strong hug to all / and you and many but many baciiiiiiiiiii ^____^



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