Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giving Away Free Tech Decks

Before I start let me exult after a while .... now I've got anch'iooooooooooooooooooooo! !!!!!! What? But the much-dreamed yeast
^___^ Yes, but now I do not think that it is done alone seeeeeeeeee ... ... I got quite a bit the father of a friend of mine, truth be told there I shamelessly asked and he was kind enough to donarmelo:)) I also pointed out that the yeast would probably have made her sad end in the hands of me, but he said if that were the case I would have given a little '... Fortunately, the yeast is fine ... at least for now eheheh
Yesterday I had to refresh and I wanted to try to make bread, but I said to myself that maybe it was best to start with something simpler and less labor intensive, because now I have to learn Proving that the times are a bit different than the yeast that I've ever used. So what? And here I take out the book of the legendary Similar sisters ... puff pastry dough for bread sticks at the end I decided ... I know I know I've been the laughing, my not even remotely resemble the other, but they are good prrrrrrr ahahhah

is the ricettuzza taken directly from their book "Bread and sweet stuff"

350g sourdough
500g flour 280-300g water 12g salt
75g oil
durum wheat flour
oil to brush

I also write a version for them with the yeast for those who may not have the yeast and wanted to try it too:

500g flour 250-280g of water
15g fresh yeast
8g of salt (a heaping tablespoon) 50g
olive oil 1 teaspoon barley malt
Durum wheat flour
oil to brush

Making the fountain in the center mix all ingredients and knead vigorously for 8-10 '
The dough should not be too soft. Form a rectangle about 30x10cm loaf, place it on a layer of durum wheat flour and coat the surface and sides with oil and sprinkle with more flour semolina. Bell Cover and let rise for 50-60 '.
high with a knife blade or a spatula to cut loose from the short side of the sticks about an inch and hold them without disturbing too much pasta in the center with tapering fingers and gently pulling and moving the fingers to the outside hand mano che la pasta si assottiglia.
Disporli sulla teglia un poco distanziati e regolarli con le dita per uniformare lo spessore dei grissini. Se prendete troppa pasta e il grissino risulta troppo lungo, tagliatelo al limite della teglia e il pezzetto che vi rimane cuocetelo così com'è poiché non è possibile reimpastarlo. Mettere subito in forno a 200° per 18-20' circa

Buonissimi e tanto rifarò sicuramente...

Kisses kisses




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