Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bmx Ramps For Sale Cheap

pumpkins after the bell rings? Tutorial

Yes, I know, there are still two months to Christmas, but we must take in advance, start thinking about gifts , a thought for mum, one for her aunt, a nephew for ... So why do not craft a thought, a thought made his heart? here, these are some ideas , why not? :)))

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sears Warehouse Brampton

Friday / Friday tutorial: pumpkins frames

not I miss the Halloween here is some funny Dumpty very simple to do, polymer clay (although you can use corn flour dough, salt dough, das ...) and wire ....
I Could not miss the Halloween time: here you have some funny pumpkin picture holders very easy to do, in polymer clay (although you can use corn flour dough, salt dough, das ...) and wire ....

the tutorial can be found here / you can find the turorial here

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Calgary Online Car Auctions

Book of Tuesday / Thursday featuring: Gera Scott Chandler

Gera Scott Chandler is a Canadian artist, that, after a long career as a teacher, she devoted herself entirely to her artistic passions, starting from and arriving to the ceramic polymer clay. What strikes you immediately is the joyous explosion of color in his creations.
Gera Scott Chandler is a Canadian artist, who, after a long career as a teacher, Entirely devoted herself to her artistic passions, starting from Arriving to polymer clay and ceramics. Immediately What strikes you is the joyous explosion of color in her creations.
His blog / Her blog: Amused Creations

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ohio Columbus Drivers License Renewal

Cake Diddle

I show you one of the last cake I made for the birthday of a child.
cream and RP are the ones I used for this other cake inside also adding a layer of nutella .... good!!

Sorry if I do not go to say goodbye, to tell the truth for a ride to your blog to me I always do, but I'm not leaving no comment ... it is a period a bit 'sad for me and I have little voglia di fare e chiacchierare....passerà voglio un mondo di bene....

baci baci


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Is Male Brazilian Done


Da tanto volevo provare a farli, oggi mi sono messa d'impegno ed eccoli qua!
Ho cercato nel web per la ricetta, ce ne sono tantissime, dopo averle confrontate mi sono resa conto che le differenze non sono poi tante, e così prendendo un po' di qua e un po' di la, ecco quello che ne è uscito fuori... ^__^


400g di farina 00
100g di farina Manitoba
250g milk 1 packet of yeast
30g sugar 1 tsp salt 80g butter, softened
100g chocolate chips
1 egg yolk and a little milk for brushing

First put chocolate chips in the fridge or better still in the freezer.
Heat half the milk and dissolve the yeast let it rest for ten minutes, while sifting the flour into a bowl, add salt and sugar and stir. Pour the dissolved yeast and the rest of the milk and begin to knead. Add the butter cut into small pieces and work to incorporate it (I suggest you knead always in the bowl, the dough will be sticky but not add more flour). Once the butter is incorporated to the dough, wipe the table and continue to knead until a soft dough. Spread the dough with your hands and distribute them over the chocolate chips, roll and begin to knead gently to incorporate the drops. Get from the many balls of about 70g each. Work each ball a little better to distribute the drops and put in a pan lined with parchment paper leave somewhere warm for 1 hour.
When they are well risen, brush with egg yolk and bake at 170/180 degrees for about 15 '(for temperature and cooking time according to the regulator always vostro forno)
Sfornarli e spennellarli con del latte, metterli su di una gratella a raffreddare e gustarli a merenda...colazione...insomma, quando volete voi!!!

....l'interno....morbido morbido...

baci baci


Monday, October 18, 2010

What Does A Brizilian Wax Look Like


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Written Example Of A Holographic Will

And here is a simple work-commissioned for a child who loves Winnie the Pooh ... It 's always relaxed back to decoupage:)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunfish Sailboat Sales Mn

small commission on Friday Tutorial: Hooks / Ear wires

I love working the wire to shape it, this is a simple tutorial for modeling of nuns for earrings.
I adore working with wire and giving it shape, this is an easy how-to tutorial for making ear wires .
Tutorial link: Ear wires
Source / Source: The beading gem's journal

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthday Clip Art By Month

Eye eggs !!!!!!!

Tra qualche seventh is Halloween, and although I personally do not like it much, but it amuses me to prepare something for my kids and their friends. Last year me and my broccoli prepare witch's fingers and was a success, as well as a lot of fun!
Today I started to wander around the web looking for something nice and easy to prepare with them, and among the many wonderful ideas and there was this simple .... stuffed eggs that turn into Halloween eyes!
What do you need? A few little things ... I used:

5 eggs 1 can of tuna 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
olives (I think that if you use the black, the effect is much nicer ....)

Boil eggs in salted water, peel them when ready, cut them in half, remove the yolk and store it in a bowl. Combine it with the drained tuna, mayonnaise and parsley and mix all together with the mini piper, or put everything into the blender and give it a nice puree until everything is well mixed. Moisten hands, form the mixture into balls and place them in the cavities of egg whites. Halve the olives pitted and put them in the center of each dumpling. With ketchup fill the inside of each oil and draw lines on whites.

And here they are simple, fast and good too:))

A strong hug to all / and you and many but many baciiiiiiiiiii ^____^


Remington 870 Complete Mcs System

Category of the Tuesday / Thursday Feature: Shay Aaron

generally are not fond of jewelry "food", but I must admit that the miniatures in polymer clay Shay Aaron are incredibly realistic! Israeli social workers and teaches courses in creative hobbies. What you mean ...
Generally I'm not fond of food jewelry, But I must admit That the polymer clay miniatures of Shay Aaron are incredibly realistic! He's from Israel,  is a social worker and teaches crafts. Let the images speak for me....
Il suo album Flickr / His Flickr album: Shay Aaron

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sample Wedding Letters


Apre al pubblico il nuovo
Centro Polifunzionale Giovanile
del Comune di Ferrara ad opera della neonata associazione di associazioni
Magazzini Generali – forniture per la cultura
Il centro tornerà infatti fruibile alla cittadinanza dopo la recente opera di restauro della palazzina progettata da Carlo Savonuzzi nella prima metà del ‘900, grazie al contributo della Regione Emilia-Romagna e all’intervento del Comune di Ferrara. I Magazzini Generali di Ferrara tornano a nuova vita grazie all’aggregazione Cultural Associations Awal ,
Opificio dell'Almagesto
, Puntozero
Ri-Pinwheel and
Yoruba:: contemporary art spread

, to create a center of production and training of different forms of art, turned to the young population, with the intent to promote the interdisciplinary approach to knowledge dissemination and knowledge about contemporary art and culture of reuse, to promote the creative expressions of young people, as well as to collaborate with local authorities and with similar associations, are able to grow the structure.
FUTURE ACTIVITIES General Stores - Supplies
culture will produce a series of events, including laboratory activities, art projects, training experiences and artistic production as part of a coordinated planning.
The organization of the event will pay special attention to a younger, involving such persons in an active and dynamic.
Future activities
Magazzini Generali will:
promote the culture of reuse projects through art education and environmental awareness aimed at younger children, facilitating contact with waste materials, discovering creative potential, ecological and environmentally friendly;
promote awareness of contemporary dance and interdisciplinary art production; sensitize the youth population and a 'new' public of the trial choral and accessibility to the arts;
develop and enhance the fabric design local
produce dance and theater and dance also popular in the international circuit;

extend awareness and knowledge of creating events / activities that combine together the various contemporary languages, the potential involvement of artists from different backgrounds through shared creative paths, creating research, information, planning and dissemination of contemporary art.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mount & Blade Color Bug

Braided Bread Sticks

recipe taken from the 2010 calendar Paneangeli; bread is a very simple and fast to build, I did not use yeast but that beer .... I know that in the post the last time I cheered because I finally yeast, but in the fridge I have a good supply of mica that ... and I can throw!!
The only thing is that once cooked, the braid is a bit 'spoiled .... my fault ... I do not think it was "close" is good ... but since my first braid in absolute I have never performed or salty or sweet, pardon me alone;))

If trying times is what you need:

400g plain flour (I was 00 and the one I used, however, putting 500g)
a loaf of yeast
225-250ml warm water
10g sugar (2 teaspoons) 1 teaspoon
salt 4 tablespoons olive oil

Dissolve the yeast in 50ml of water. In a bowl sift the flour and mix sugar and salt. Add the dissolved yeast and oil and mix with a fork, adding a little 'time for the water tepid. Knead the dough on a lightly floured table top for at least 10 'with the enlarged fists, rewind, and then dropping it on the table until complete absorption of the liquid (if you have the mixer do the first, but you will lose the opportunity to have muscular arms and ehehehh boiled). Put the dough in floured bowl, cover with a damp cloth and place it in a warm place to rise until it doubled (about 40 '). After the interval
overthrow the dough on a floured table and divide it into three parts, with each forming a roll approximately 30cm long rolls and twist together. Transfer the braid on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and set to rise for another 20 '

Place in the oven a little bowl filled with water, turn the oven to 200 degrees and when hot oven and cook for 30-35 braid '

The result is a very soft and fragrant bread ... we liked it very much:)

kisses kisses


South Park Episodes In Scandinavia

Tutorial Friday / Friday tutorial: a scarf that turns into - Rebirth Paisley Necklace Giveaway

Questo tutorial l'ho scoperto grazie to Alessia and I liked it so much that I decided to riproporvelo, I hope you enjoy it.

I discovered this tutorial thanks to Alessia and I was so fond of it That Could Avoid proposing, hope you like it.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giving Away Free Tech Decks

Before I start let me exult after a while .... now I've got anch'iooooooooooooooooooooo! !!!!!! What? But the much-dreamed yeast
^___^ Yes, but now I do not think that it is done alone seeeeeeeeee ... ... I got quite a bit the father of a friend of mine, truth be told there I shamelessly asked and he was kind enough to donarmelo:)) I also pointed out that the yeast would probably have made her sad end in the hands of me, but he said if that were the case I would have given a little '... Fortunately, the yeast is fine ... at least for now eheheh
Yesterday I had to refresh and I wanted to try to make bread, but I said to myself that maybe it was best to start with something simpler and less labor intensive, because now I have to learn Proving that the times are a bit different than the yeast that I've ever used. So what? And here I take out the book of the legendary Similar sisters ... puff pastry dough for bread sticks at the end I decided ... I know I know I've been the laughing, my not even remotely resemble the other, but they are good prrrrrrr ahahhah

is the ricettuzza taken directly from their book "Bread and sweet stuff"

350g sourdough
500g flour 280-300g water 12g salt
75g oil
durum wheat flour
oil to brush

I also write a version for them with the yeast for those who may not have the yeast and wanted to try it too:

500g flour 250-280g of water
15g fresh yeast
8g of salt (a heaping tablespoon) 50g
olive oil 1 teaspoon barley malt
Durum wheat flour
oil to brush

Making the fountain in the center mix all ingredients and knead vigorously for 8-10 '
The dough should not be too soft. Form a rectangle about 30x10cm loaf, place it on a layer of durum wheat flour and coat the surface and sides with oil and sprinkle with more flour semolina. Bell Cover and let rise for 50-60 '.
high with a knife blade or a spatula to cut loose from the short side of the sticks about an inch and hold them without disturbing too much pasta in the center with tapering fingers and gently pulling and moving the fingers to the outside hand mano che la pasta si assottiglia.
Disporli sulla teglia un poco distanziati e regolarli con le dita per uniformare lo spessore dei grissini. Se prendete troppa pasta e il grissino risulta troppo lungo, tagliatelo al limite della teglia e il pezzetto che vi rimane cuocetelo così com'è poiché non è possibile reimpastarlo. Mettere subito in forno a 200° per 18-20' circa

Buonissimi e tanto rifarò sicuramente...

Kisses kisses



Example Of Written Car Offer

Emma Thomsen

Giveaway a really interesting, I could not miss it!
blog: Emma Thomsen
giveaway deadline: 08/10 9:00 am

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zero Turn Mowers Dealerships

Book on Tuesday - Tuesday featuring: Fabio

And here I am back again with a talented Italian: Fabio , investigator of creativity. Programmer by trade, crafts and loving, loves to get involved in any technique that interest to get incredible results with any issue that happens in his hands.
Here I am, back with Another talented Italian artist: Fabio , the creativity explorer. Programmer for a living, passion for craftsman, he adores Any testing technique That Involves HIM Reaching incredible results.

His blog / His blog: Experiments creative
Some creatures in corn paste. Some Of His works in cold porcelain:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tech Deck New Online Game

Hamsa or Hand of Fatima

Hamsa (o Mano di Fatima) nella tradizione mediorientale, sia Islamica che Ebraica, è un simbolo di protezione dalla sfortuna, dal malocchio e dall'invidia. Esso è rappresentato da una mano che spesso presenta due pollici ed un occhio centrale, chiamato a volte l'Occhio di Dio. Hamsa significa Cinque, come 5 sono le dita della mano. Non so perchè ma questo amuleto mi ha ispirato e così ecco la mia personalissima Hamsa: