Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stress Condition_symptoms

cake pie .......

usually puts forward the bread that I cut into small pieces, I do it dry and then put in a blender to make bread crumbs, or we take it to the hens, but these days I'm seeing around between blogs, so many delicious cakes made with stale bread. So, since several pieces of dry bread, I got the urge to try to make one too, and while I was looking for a recipe most inspiring of all, I was thinking what to prepare for dinner ... it does not take long to realize that I eventually abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bsweet cake and I decided to make a salt. In addition to very good is a nice recipe svuotafrigo In fact, we can add them all;)
Here's how I did.


¤ 1 / 2 kg stale bread 800ml milk

¤ ¤ ¤
4 eggs lightly beaten salt and pepper chopped parsley

¤ ¤ meats and cheeses to taste

grated Parmesan cheese Cut the bread into even large pieces. Heat milk and when hot pour over the bread (if necessary add more milk, but do not overdo it). When the bread becomes soft, mash, season with salt, pepper, parsley and Parmesan. Add eggs, mix well and add meats and cheeses sliced \u200b\u200bto pieces. Grease a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour the mixture, smooth it, sprinkle the surface with the other bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Preiscaldato bake at 200 degrees for about 45 '(depending on your oven) or until the surface is golden brown. Let cool and enjoy them ^ __ ^

Very good, loved it all, so much so that I have requested and as it is easy and quick to prepare, I can only please them!




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