Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yeast Infection Getting Brazilian

I would just point out that this cake is not is my work, but rather of my dear friend Rosa. The other day was the birthday of his son Mario, who took 2 years and is one of my little buddy. His friendship with Rosa was actually born during our pregnancies, unfortunately hospitalized both in the hospital for problems other than that then you are happily resolved, and happily continues to this day. We see almost every day, because our puppies frequentamo the same kindergarten, if not then I'll see if we phone and then we phone or on FB chattimo msn ... In short we want so much good and we can not stand without feeling more than a day!

But let the cake. Rosa has a classic stuffed
pds with a mousse of cream and nutella (!!!!) to be deburred and then coated with the MMF (the recipe took it from me ... heheh ... let me gloat by ...).
Well, this was her first time with the mmf and I must say it was really very good.
The cake I had the pleasure to taste it because he has prepared to celebrate the nursery, but this evening I saw plenty rascatterò there will be a great celebration for us too;)))

And now I just have to say I LOVE YOU MY Banana

ahahahah kisses kisses to all


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stress Condition_symptoms

cake pie .......

usually puts forward the bread that I cut into small pieces, I do it dry and then put in a blender to make bread crumbs, or we take it to the hens, but these days I'm seeing around between blogs, so many delicious cakes made with stale bread. So, since several pieces of dry bread, I got the urge to try to make one too, and while I was looking for a recipe most inspiring of all, I was thinking what to prepare for dinner ... it does not take long to realize that I eventually abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bsweet cake and I decided to make a salt. In addition to very good is a nice recipe svuotafrigo In fact, we can add them all;)
Here's how I did.


¤ 1 / 2 kg stale bread 800ml milk

¤ ¤ ¤
4 eggs lightly beaten salt and pepper chopped parsley

¤ ¤ meats and cheeses to taste

grated Parmesan cheese Cut the bread into even large pieces. Heat milk and when hot pour over the bread (if necessary add more milk, but do not overdo it). When the bread becomes soft, mash, season with salt, pepper, parsley and Parmesan. Add eggs, mix well and add meats and cheeses sliced \u200b\u200bto pieces. Grease a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour the mixture, smooth it, sprinkle the surface with the other bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Preiscaldato bake at 200 degrees for about 45 '(depending on your oven) or until the surface is golden brown. Let cool and enjoy them ^ __ ^

Very good, loved it all, so much so that I have requested and as it is easy and quick to prepare, I can only please them!



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Go Kartframes For Sale

bread cake with flowers for Sabina

As you already know my broccoli last Wednesday Sabina's birthday. For the occasion, prepared the Favor biscuits and cake (which I photographed aesthetically because I did not own) to celebrate at school. Yesterday evening, celebrated at home with some of her dearest girlfriends, and I prepared this cake. I used to RP this recipe, I then stuffed with a mascarpone cream and nutella (golosa!!) And decorated with pdz honey.
Unfortunately I had to arrange a little 'for the decorations, I was waaay behind with preparation and I had been too few colors, so this is what I could do.

I know, the pictures are not that great, I must admit that having made live better, however ....

At my broccoli and liked it a lot and also to her friends .... I also did the flowers to hold the candles eheheheh ...

And here is my broccoli Sabina .... Happy birthday again my darling!

kisses and happy Sunday to all ^___^


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wheels Ss For Silverado

Glasses greedy

few days ago I saw these cups 's blog Imma has always so "sweet" ideas that you're only seeing him want to lick the computer monitor. I decided to make myself but replace the yogurt with the cream condensed milk that I made and remade several times already. The recipe for this cream, however, I found the wonderful blog Paoletta .



2oog milk
¤ ¤ ¤
2oog condensed milk 250g whipping isinglass
8g ¤ ¤
a small vial vanilla flavor

Soften the gelatin in cold water. Once softened dissolve in 50g of hot milk (taken from the total weight). In a bowl pour the milk and condensed milk, mix and add the gelatin dissolved. Put in refrigerator to harden. Meanwhile, whip the cream. When the milk is composed of hardened (take the pudding type consistency) join the whipped cream.

This cream made me immamorare the palate ... is so good and easy to prepare that now I can not help it, and then very versatile! In fact, just change the flavor and you get every time a different cream (for example, you can add the coffee, lemon, hazelnut paste .... the choice is yours).

For glasses need:

¤ 2 bags prepared for hot chocolate (for example Ciobar) + milk must
¤ ¤
cream condensed milk cocoa, hazelnut, hazelnuts covered with chocolate to decorate

I prepared the chocolate following the instructions on the package, I distributed the glasses that I covered with plastic wrap, let cool and then put in refrigerator to cool. Once cool I made a second layer of condensed milk with the cream, I spoverizzato with cocoa powder, sprinkled lightly with the chopped hazelnuts and put back in refrigerator. Before serving, I added a hazelnut covered with dark chocolate.

Simple, fast and .... gorgeous!!

kisses kisses
