Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cake Dirt Bike Birthday

The Pasquella

E' un' antica tradizione del giorno dell' Epifania.
Un tempo i "Pasquaroli", camicia rossa e mantello nero, andavano di casa in casa a cantare i Greeting their songs for the new year and were greeted with offerings of food and good wine.
Times have changed .. now sing in the square behind my house, and I'm always listening to them, there is a good fire, song dialects of one and a glass of mulled wine.

They feel all 'our' history ... waltz from "Romagna mia" ... to "Bela Burdel Romagna" , singing, music .. and the wine warm the hearts! Good
Epiphany .. that takes away all the festivities! Ernestina


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