Saturday, January 29, 2011

Basketball Cakes That Are Nice

A premium blog

Grazie a Silvia del blog Rumore di fusa , che ha ritenuto le mie pagine meritevoli di essere premiate!
Il premio allo stile comporta delle regole, (per fortuna non ferree!) una di queste è elencare 7 cose che ci descrivono.

Elencherò sette cose che mi piacciono e fanno parte dei miei interessi:

1) I sassi.(la cosa più ovvia!)
Mi sento in sintonia con loro, li ho sempre raccolti, ancor prima di scoprire la pittura.
Sono i mattoni del pianeta, esistono dalla creazione dell'universo ed i secoli passerranno, gli oggetti superflui decadranno, ma their is never extinguished. Nothing is more eternal.

2) Africa. It 'been a second home for me, I've lived 10 years. I could say I like it because it is beautiful, and in fact some places are, but it is also dirty, poor and infected. I have not seen only in Africa postcards and tourist centers, there is a different and there is that I like. For me Africa is an experience that gives meaning to life.

3) Painting. It 's like a therapy, there are those who feel the need to write, I feel the need to paint.

4) policy. For me, politics is the art of making things work better for everyone.
I like to be informed, reading, know and judge who is deciding for myself and for our future.

5) The puns, aphorisms, proverbs.
Instead of watching TV, I play Scrabble on a site online and I like to compose the words .. and Bravi!

6) The mother's ravioli. Homemade, stuffed with ricotta and spinach and served with meat sauce.

7) Violets. They are my favorite flower, those who are born timid and fragrant shade.
(and in fact when I go to visit the blog of Jade and purple .. I see all those eyes shine!)
And the thorny cactus, stone and not!

In the 4 years of life of my blog I have received many awards, but their distribution mechanism I was never fully convinced and I have never followed the rules set, I go on like this for the prize is available to the blogger friends that pass by here, will be an opportunity to tell and know better.
Thanks dear Silvia! Ernestina


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