Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Synonyms Of Lyme Disease

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday, January 8, with the opening public from 20.30 at the multipurpose center youth Magazzini Generali - via dock 57 - it will be possible only on the performance
# 10, a project that was created in 2008 during a meeting between the choreographer
Ale Locksmiths and the young composer turkish Utku Tavila . Their work stems from the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a dialogue based on improvisation and creative interaction between experimental sound and movement. In
Promptu # 10
is characterized by the acoustic sounds of piano preparation and structuring of the party dance, which makes extensive use of components, however, uncertain. The proposed event is also part Diffuse Inclusions Project, promoted by a network of associations working in the field of intercultural and with the support of social action - Centre for Voluntary Services in the Province of Ferrara . ( www.inclusionidiffuse.net)
UTKU TAVIL, compositore e batterista, è nato a Istambul nel 1988 e risiede a Torino, dove studia al DAMS. Oltre a produrre in studio, svolge una intensa attività di sperimentazione suonando dal vivo in tutta Europa, come solista o insieme ad altri musicisti. La sua musica, grazie a un brillante uso della manipolazione elettronica dei suoni, riesce a creare ambienti onirici di grande suggestione.
, nato a Ferrara nel 1984, suona il pianoforte fin da giovanissimo come autodidatta. It is also dedicated to the cello and electronic composition, creating soundtracks for your video works. Graphic designer by profession, carries on his explosive creativity in the field of visual arts and writing.
Almagest is a set of protean
performers from many nations who are assembled differently from project to project. The group focuses on experimental choreography initiated by Ale Blacksmith, who works in addition to creating repeatable tries to work on the instant composition, on improvisation and structured sessions in which the performative element of chance plays a crucial role.
FABBRI is a dancer and choreographer, working as a professional since 1991, has a degree in choreography at the Palucca Schule Dresden in 2008, his work stands as a constant tension between abstraction and empathy ------ ----------------------- Project produced by
Association Opificio dell'Almagesto
in collaboration with Eugenio Squarcia, Federica Zabarri, Magazzini Generali

and with the support of: CSV - Includes Diffuse
Program inauguration
h. 20:30
open to the public with free buffet pfferta

h. 21:30

show beginning, duration 50min no interval

Addresses event
Center Multipurpose Youth

MAGAZZINI GENERALI, forniture per la cultura
Via Darsena 57, 44121 Ferrara


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