Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cover Letter Samples Retail Sales

Salveeeee .... first of all I want to thank you for your good wishes that you have done to us, in our loaf Matilda and her parents .... thank you, you are wonderful as always / i.

Now I show you this cake, which I did to celebrate the birth of the little girl. Actually it was not planned, I wanted to make a Red Velvet because I was curious about a lot, then from there the idea of \u200b\u200busing it for the little one .... the whole thing was done in one night, so, why I always boarding absurd ideas at all hours .... anyway ... 'nuff said, you illustrate my mess eheheheh

In rete ho trovato diverse ricette per la Red Velvet, due di queste mi hanno ispirato più delle altre, questa che vi scrivo è la più veloce l'altra la proverò a tra qualche giorno.
Della ricetta ho cambiato solo una cosina:

RED VELVET (o quasi ^___^)

90g di albumi (circa tre)
200g di farina
200g di zucchero
58g di olio di semi di arachidi o girasole
58g di burro morbido
121g di buttermilk (si ottiene mischiando in mezzo litro di latte 1 cucchiaino di succo di limone, mescolare e lasciare riposare a temperatura ambiente per un oretta.....oppure molto più semplicemente fate metà quantità di yogurt bianco magro e metà di latte come ho fatto io)
1 pizzico di sale
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
8-20g di cacao (dipende sempre dal colore che volete ottenere, io ne ho messi 8g)
1 fialetta di aroma alla vaniglia
colorante rosso in pasta anche 30g se si vuole ottenere un rosso molto forte (avendo io poco colorante, ho aggiunto del topping all'amarena di quelli già pronti che si vendono nei supermercati, il risultato mi ha sorpresa, non solo ho ottenuto un bel colore, ma l'amarena ha dato un profumo e un sapore molto delicato alla torta).

Montate gli albumi con il salt and vanilla. In the global, or your trusty blender, mix well make the oil and butter, add flour, baking powder and sifted cocoa, sugar and buttermilk in which you have melted the dye. Stir well until everything is well blended. 2 egg whites together in time, stirring slowly and pour the mixture into a buttered and floured 18-20cm in diameter, bake at 175 degrees for about 45 '(always depends on your oven and not worth the toothpick test).

Now prepare the stuffing:

400ml cream 250g mascarpone 250g philadelphia
150g icing sugar
a small vial of vanilla flavor

with electric whips some work 'the philadelphia and mascarpone cheese, add sugar, vanilla and cream already mounted. Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

When the base is cold, cut it in layers (note that it is very delicate) stuff and let rest in refrigerator overnight. Decorate as you like.

Meanwhile, the cake baked, the filling in the fridge, I have prepared the decoration. This time I used the frosting because it dried very quickly, I took the recipe from the blog the fantastic Paoletta

This is what I could do .... is a bit 'stortignaccola, I know, but I have no gears or brushes to paint .... I have to decide to buy a little something .. .... .. but I am satisfied on the first time ... as it is not so bad ... right? ^___^

..... the inside of the cake .... I have to say though that the photo did not do him justice, was much better live .....

.... and little Matilda ^___^

Miiiiiiiiiiii .... .... having that post lunghissimooooo frequency with which I write, I'm okay with this for a few months ..... ahahahahhahah joke in a while ... 'you assillerò with ricettuzze Christmas:))

a kiss strong



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