Friday, December 31, 2010

What Day Should Cervical Mucus Appear


Ormai ci siamo....nel 2011! Buon anno a tutti!

La mia "sveglia di pietra" ha trovato una giusta collocazione sul comò,
mi piace che segni sempre la mezzanotte, l'ora dei pensieri,
mi fa venire in mente un buon proposito per l'anno che inizia,
"C'è solo un modo di dimenticare il tempo che passa: impiegarlo bene" .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Synonyms Of Lyme Disease

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday, January 8, with the opening public from 20.30 at the multipurpose center youth Magazzini Generali - via dock 57 - it will be possible only on the performance
# 10, a project that was created in 2008 during a meeting between the choreographer
Ale Locksmiths and the young composer turkish Utku Tavila . Their work stems from the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a dialogue based on improvisation and creative interaction between experimental sound and movement. In
Promptu # 10
is characterized by the acoustic sounds of piano preparation and structuring of the party dance, which makes extensive use of components, however, uncertain. The proposed event is also part Diffuse Inclusions Project, promoted by a network of associations working in the field of intercultural and with the support of social action - Centre for Voluntary Services in the Province of Ferrara . (
UTKU TAVIL, compositore e batterista, è nato a Istambul nel 1988 e risiede a Torino, dove studia al DAMS. Oltre a produrre in studio, svolge una intensa attività di sperimentazione suonando dal vivo in tutta Europa, come solista o insieme ad altri musicisti. La sua musica, grazie a un brillante uso della manipolazione elettronica dei suoni, riesce a creare ambienti onirici di grande suggestione.
, nato a Ferrara nel 1984, suona il pianoforte fin da giovanissimo come autodidatta. It is also dedicated to the cello and electronic composition, creating soundtracks for your video works. Graphic designer by profession, carries on his explosive creativity in the field of visual arts and writing.
Almagest is a set of protean
performers from many nations who are assembled differently from project to project. The group focuses on experimental choreography initiated by Ale Blacksmith, who works in addition to creating repeatable tries to work on the instant composition, on improvisation and structured sessions in which the performative element of chance plays a crucial role.
FABBRI is a dancer and choreographer, working as a professional since 1991, has a degree in choreography at the Palucca Schule Dresden in 2008, his work stands as a constant tension between abstraction and empathy ------ ----------------------- Project produced by
Association Opificio dell'Almagesto
in collaboration with Eugenio Squarcia, Federica Zabarri, Magazzini Generali

and with the support of: CSV - Includes Diffuse
Program inauguration
h. 20:30
open to the public with free buffet pfferta

h. 21:30

show beginning, duration 50min no interval

Addresses event
Center Multipurpose Youth

MAGAZZINI GENERALI, forniture per la cultura
Via Darsena 57, 44121 Ferrara

Monday, December 27, 2010

Milena Velba Practical

The portrait of Zoe, a basset hound cagnolona. The stone is about thirty cm long. and weighs about 10 kg, the colors of the coat in the picture appear brighter, they are actually quite similar to those of Zoe.
I tried to lift his head from the photo and I changed a few degrees of its rotation, in order to soften the sad expression, typical of the breed. Now the pose and the look seems to beg a caress! Ernestina

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ma Paper Licence Template


E 'was a period a bit' hectic, my father in hospital, the work commissioned to do for Christmas (they are not even able to do photos), the work as usual at this season broke .... Well, but at least the time to make there's Cards:)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Play Pokemon Blue Online

Christmas with stones

This year I have not even a stone painted Christmas and I regret that!
So, I went into my archives to pull out i vecchi sassi, dipinti per i concorsi natalizi del gruppo rockpainting a partire dal 2005.
Riguardarli è come una terapia, mi torna il buonumore, spero anche a voi facciano lo stesso effetto.
Buone feste!

"Dov'è il mio regalo?"
"Natale in soffitta"
"E' inverno nel bosco"
"Babbo Natale"
"Chi ha mangiato il panettone?"
"Sotto l'albero, among the gifts ... "

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Guest Letter For Church


What I like scallops, so good ... ... scented ... crisp and even simple to prepare ...

Their achievement need:

180g of flour 100g soft butter
60g brown sugar 1 egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
half a bag of baking powder a pinch
salt grated rind of 1 lemon

Sift the flour, mix it with sugar and salt and form a fountain in the middle put the vanilla, baking powder, tuorlo, il burro, la buccia del limone e lavorate il tutto fino ad ottenere un impasto elastico e omogeneo, avvolgetelo nella pellicola per alimenti e riponetelo in frigo per mezz'ora. lavoratelo leggermente, poi tirate la pasta con il matterello allo spessore di 1cm.
Ritagliate i biscotti con lo stampino, eliminate la pasta al centro con uno stampino piccolino rotondo così da ottenere la classica forma bucata dei canestrelli. Disponete i biscotti in una teglia foderata con carta da forno e fate cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180° per 10-12'
Lasciateli raffreddare e spolverizzateli poi con abbondante zucchero a velo.

Potete sostituire lo zucchero semolato con quello di canna. Il primo lascerà la pasta dei vostri biscotti liscia, mentre quello di canna, gli darà un aspetto più rustico come quello nella foto....

Un abbraccio a tutti...e buona sfornata ^_^

baci baci


Monday, December 20, 2010

Community Service Hoursletters

sesame sticks

Altri biscotti sfornati sempre per il Natale.... veramente buoni e velocissimi da preparare.


500g di farina
180g di zucchero
150g di burro
10g di bicarbonato
sesame seeds

on the work surface to have flour and sugar into a fountain in the middle to put the butter into small pieces and knead quickly done by adding the milk needed to get a consistent paste. Add baking soda and knead again, then let stand in refrigerator for half an hour. Resumption of the dough form a stick the size of a finger, brush with milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds, place them in a pan lined with parchment paper, to bend a little 'and cook in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15'

I leave you a kiss and run to churn out more biscuits eheheheh

baci baci


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Used Car Values Ontario

Cookies with walnuts, hazelnuts and chocolate chip cake baby

Ormai il Naltale è alle porte!!!
Quest'anno io e la mia amica Rosa, abbiamo sfornato tantissimi biscotti e dolcetti vari....che faticata.....però alla fine che soddisfazione ^___^
Questi biscottini sono deliziosi, potete usare solo noci o nocciole...meglio se entrambe :)

Per preparali occorrono:

250g di farina 00
150g di burro a temperatura ambiente
150g di zucchero
2 eggs 1 pinch salt 1 pinch of baking
1 teaspoon baking chocolate chips
walnuts and hazelnuts

the butter and sugar, add eggs, flour and all other ingredients.
Shape into balls the size of a walnut, place them in a pan lined with parchment paper, apart from one another. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-12 '

Simple, fast and delicious

kisses kisses


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Queensborough Outlet Stores

Christmas with snow

Last night, the crib was floating very impressive, big angel on the bow defied the storm and the snow-covered boats characters seemed made of light.

After the crib on the boats, to my house, done with stones painted last year ..

to wish Merry Christmas to all you who pass by here!

How To Check Prolapsed Uterus

:::: TAP DANCE LESSONS FOR ALL OPEN THURSDAY 'December 23:::: .. where the cost of Christmas have not inundated You are all invited to a lecture-stage Tap dance open to everyone, no age limit or capacity, Thursday 'on Dec. 23 from 15 to 17 at Magazzini Generali, via Dock 57 sites in Ferrara! The lecture will be held by the teacher and professional dancer Elena Pavoni and promoted by the Cultural Puntozero, in view of the new course of Tip Tap ..

read below, there waiting for you!
La formula di un breve stage permette a chiunque di cimentarsi con le claquette senza sentirsi vincolato all’iscrizione di un corso annuale: si sa, presi dai ritmi frenetici delle nostre vite spesso non si hanno più che brevi ritagli di tempo da dedicare a noi stessi.
E’ inoltre un modo per conoscere questa disciplina ed eventualmente decidere di iniziarne lo studio.
/// A CHI E’ RIVOLTO? /// Può partecipare allo stage chiunque abbia compiuto i 12 anni di età. Questo è l’unico place limits on what the lesson is calibrated for adults: it is possible to involve the kids (aged 8) in a class designed especially for them. There are no age limits in the other direction.
There is no need to be dancers or have studied dance!
tap is indeed a discipline of dance, but to learn the basic steps are specific, so anyone can try it: the desire to dance will achieve results, and satisfaction unthinkable! For those who already love the dance but an internship is a funny and useful addition to their knowledge.
/ / / WHAT IS IN THE LESSON? / / / I
l Tip Tap è una disciplina molto tecnica e complessa: impensabile far credere di insegnare a ballarlo in un solo stage. Ma la lezione è costruita in maniera tale da mettere in grado tutti i partecipanti di creare una piccola coreografia già dopo un’ora di spiegazioni: un po’ in barba alla tecnica…, ma sicuramente il divertimento è garantito!
N.B.: saranno a disposizione alcune paia di scarpe con claquette, ma è consigliato di portare un proprio paio di scarpe preferibilmente di cuoio con suola pulita, meglio se con laccetto o stringate. In ogni caso, non pensateci troppo e venite!!!

--- send us an e-mail to communicate your presence! ---

for info and registration: @ @ or

http://puntozero-mg.blogsp / / / /

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cover Letter Samples Retail Sales

Salveeeee .... first of all I want to thank you for your good wishes that you have done to us, in our loaf Matilda and her parents .... thank you, you are wonderful as always / i.

Now I show you this cake, which I did to celebrate the birth of the little girl. Actually it was not planned, I wanted to make a Red Velvet because I was curious about a lot, then from there the idea of \u200b\u200busing it for the little one .... the whole thing was done in one night, so, why I always boarding absurd ideas at all hours .... anyway ... 'nuff said, you illustrate my mess eheheheh

In rete ho trovato diverse ricette per la Red Velvet, due di queste mi hanno ispirato più delle altre, questa che vi scrivo è la più veloce l'altra la proverò a tra qualche giorno.
Della ricetta ho cambiato solo una cosina:

RED VELVET (o quasi ^___^)

90g di albumi (circa tre)
200g di farina
200g di zucchero
58g di olio di semi di arachidi o girasole
58g di burro morbido
121g di buttermilk (si ottiene mischiando in mezzo litro di latte 1 cucchiaino di succo di limone, mescolare e lasciare riposare a temperatura ambiente per un oretta.....oppure molto più semplicemente fate metà quantità di yogurt bianco magro e metà di latte come ho fatto io)
1 pizzico di sale
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
8-20g di cacao (dipende sempre dal colore che volete ottenere, io ne ho messi 8g)
1 fialetta di aroma alla vaniglia
colorante rosso in pasta anche 30g se si vuole ottenere un rosso molto forte (avendo io poco colorante, ho aggiunto del topping all'amarena di quelli già pronti che si vendono nei supermercati, il risultato mi ha sorpresa, non solo ho ottenuto un bel colore, ma l'amarena ha dato un profumo e un sapore molto delicato alla torta).

Montate gli albumi con il salt and vanilla. In the global, or your trusty blender, mix well make the oil and butter, add flour, baking powder and sifted cocoa, sugar and buttermilk in which you have melted the dye. Stir well until everything is well blended. 2 egg whites together in time, stirring slowly and pour the mixture into a buttered and floured 18-20cm in diameter, bake at 175 degrees for about 45 '(always depends on your oven and not worth the toothpick test).

Now prepare the stuffing:

400ml cream 250g mascarpone 250g philadelphia
150g icing sugar
a small vial of vanilla flavor

with electric whips some work 'the philadelphia and mascarpone cheese, add sugar, vanilla and cream already mounted. Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

When the base is cold, cut it in layers (note that it is very delicate) stuff and let rest in refrigerator overnight. Decorate as you like.

Meanwhile, the cake baked, the filling in the fridge, I have prepared the decoration. This time I used the frosting because it dried very quickly, I took the recipe from the blog the fantastic Paoletta

This is what I could do .... is a bit 'stortignaccola, I know, but I have no gears or brushes to paint .... I have to decide to buy a little something .. .... .. but I am satisfied on the first time ... as it is not so bad ... right? ^___^

..... the inside of the cake .... I have to say though that the photo did not do him justice, was much better live .....

.... and little Matilda ^___^

Miiiiiiiiiiii .... .... having that post lunghissimooooo frequency with which I write, I'm okay with this for a few months ..... ahahahahhahah joke in a while ... 'you assillerò with ricettuzze Christmas:))

a kiss strong


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sunfish Sail Boat For Sale Mn

Portrait of Dora

The dog jack russell "Eudora"

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ideas For Big Green Egg Table

Music stones

A surprise gift, is the reward of a person who has received my stones and thanked them very much.
Music rocks ... good music always helps the inspiration.
I heard today while I painted this little picture, beautiful, harmonious, relaxed, yes, it is the music for the rocks! thanks!

small portrait of Aron 2D

Friday, December 3, 2010

Language For Mount&blade

Keychain paintings

I painted some keychain, preference has been to cats, but there is also an owl and a wolf ...
and portraits ..
here's Minù , which I had great picture even on stone

and here Laky smiling

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pattycakeonline Forums


This morning at 10:10 of the house came the stork ... Broccoli Broccoli is the zieeeee :))))) .... our sister Maria Rosaria has given birth and gave us this beauty of a little girl ... the birth went well, he did early in the delivery room with her was her husband, but me and Frank we are "on purpose" behind the door of the delivery room and in so doing we to hear her crying newborn .... how exciting ... what a joy ....

Here it is, just washed but still .... dress is beautiful!

................................................ .................................................. ....

Welcome Matilda ....

Kisses and hugs to all s


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting Driver's License Easy


04.dic.2010> 08.gen.2011

portraits of rock Nicola Piffanelli
by V. Teti - "Ferrara & Video Art" in collaboration with Yoruba
:: contemporary art spread

Saturday, December 4, at 18.00, at the multi-purpose youth Magazzini Generali - via dock 57 - will inaugurate the exhibition Portraits on Stage - portraits of rock Piffanell Nicola, by Vitaliano Teti (Ferrara Ass Video Arts) in collaboration with Yoruba Ass:: contemporary art spread .

The event consists of original photographs by Nicola Piffanelli, taken at various rock concerts, shots that do not just want to grasp the fundamental aspects of a concert, as the lights or props, but bring attention to the emotional, intensity of expression of the faces of artists, often caught in a modern baroque summers. At the inauguration, a compendium of photos, as well as the environmental sound to work
LittleBear , the concert will be nice and sounds offered by Sonika.
for the occasion will also be housed in the spaces of the Magazzini Generali, a '
Tribute to Dario Berveglieri, through the exhibition of some of his photographs taken during the event town Ferrara Sotto le Stelle.


Tribute to Dario Berveglieri
exhibition of photographs in black and made to "Ferrara Sotto le Stelle"

h. 18:00 Vernissage Portraits on Stage - Photos of Nicola Piffanelli
+ Tribute to Dario Berveglieri sound environment

h. 18:30

drink with the artists

h. 19:00
onstage by

Vitaliano Teti - Ferrara & Video Art Federica Zabarri -
Yoruba:: contemporary art spread

collaboration with
Ass Ferrara Sotto le Stelle
Sonika - City of Ferrara
hours from Monday to Friday - excluding holidays
17.00> 20:30 input
free Contatti