Monday, February 14, 2011

Wood Stove Allnighters

Kup Manduka, the frog of the well

was a long time I wanted to illustrate this ancient Indian history, a story that always made me think.
If you do not know, I will tell. Kup
Manduka, the frog of the well.

There was once a frog who lived in a well. Manduka
Kup had always lived there.
was born in that well and had grown into an adult frog every day to clean up the water from worms and insects that were there. Living in this way had become nice and fat and shiny.
One day, a turtle came by and fell into the well.

"Where are you from?". "From the ocean." "From the ocean? and what? "Kup asked Manduka.
"A great place, great!" said the newcomer.
"Big what?"
"Very, very big." Kup
Manduka drew a small circle with his paw on the water surface:
"Great way?"
"No. Much bigger." Kup
Manduka drew a larger circle.
"Great way?"
"No. Bigger." Kup
Manduka then made a circle around the pit as big as that was the world she knew.
"No. Much, much bigger," said the turtle came from the ocean.
"No - he thought the frog who lived in the well - nothing can be bigger than my well!"
"Liar," cried the turtle then Kup Manduka, the frog of the well, and not speak to her.

** This favola è così famosa che in India le parole "kup manduk" (trad. la rana del pozzo) si usano per definire la persona di vedute limitate, provinciale e conformista.



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