Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting Driver's License Easy


04.dic.2010> 08.gen.2011

portraits of rock Nicola Piffanelli
by V. Teti - "Ferrara & Video Art" in collaboration with Yoruba
:: contemporary art spread

Saturday, December 4, at 18.00, at the multi-purpose youth Magazzini Generali - via dock 57 - will inaugurate the exhibition Portraits on Stage - portraits of rock Piffanell Nicola, by Vitaliano Teti (Ferrara Ass Video Arts) in collaboration with Yoruba Ass:: contemporary art spread .

The event consists of original photographs by Nicola Piffanelli, taken at various rock concerts, shots that do not just want to grasp the fundamental aspects of a concert, as the lights or props, but bring attention to the emotional, intensity of expression of the faces of artists, often caught in a modern baroque summers. At the inauguration, a compendium of photos, as well as the environmental sound to work
LittleBear , the concert will be nice and sounds offered by Sonika.
for the occasion will also be housed in the spaces of the Magazzini Generali, a '
Tribute to Dario Berveglieri, through the exhibition of some of his photographs taken during the event town Ferrara Sotto le Stelle.


Tribute to Dario Berveglieri
exhibition of photographs in black and made to "Ferrara Sotto le Stelle"

h. 18:00 Vernissage Portraits on Stage - Photos of Nicola Piffanelli
+ Tribute to Dario Berveglieri sound environment

h. 18:30

drink with the artists

h. 19:00
onstage by

Vitaliano Teti - Ferrara & Video Art Federica Zabarri -
Yoruba:: contemporary art spread

collaboration with
Ass Ferrara Sotto le Stelle
Sonika - City of Ferrara
hours from Monday to Friday - excluding holidays
17.00> 20:30 input
free Contatti

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Catch Million Pikachu

Find the intruder .. or violated rights

could be a game ..
look at the cover of this book by a famous American artist
and see if there is an intruder:

If you can not do it ... .. I can tell you is he, Mr. Beaver:

by me, painted in 2008 .
I think the images speak for themselves.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gay Cruising Places In Toronto


Headings on Tuesday and Friday will be suspended for a while 'time. The time to dedicate to your blog is very little, for several reasons. Stay tuned, however, I will try to post something at this time a bit 'overloaded.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gay Cruise New Jersey

Tutorial Friday / Friday tutorial: Tiling with use of resin

This time the tutorial that I propose is one of my works, a lesson in pictures published long ago in the club creative Cliccoecreo - a forum of interest to anybody is passionate about creative hobbies. The technique che presento è quella del TILING , l'uso cioè della resina per creare un effetto mattonella davvero molto carino.

This time the tutorial that I propose is one of my works, a step-by-step lesson published long ago in the club Cliccoecreo  - a very interesting forum for those who are passionate about creative hobbies. The technique I present is that of the tiling , ie the use of the resin to create a very nice tile.

Link to tutorial: Tiling (pdf)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Abrazilian Wax Looks Like

Book of Tuesday / Thursday featuring: Melissa Haslam

Today I want to introduce Australian artist, Melissa Haslam . Always interested in the graphic and decorative arts, a few years of dedication to painting and drawing, creating romantic tones and fantastic illustrations.
Today I want to introduce to you an Australian artist, Melissa Haslam . Always interested in the graphic and decorative arts, now focusing on painting and drawing, creating illustrations of romantic and fairytale-like mood .
Your site / Her web-site: Melissa Haslam
His blog / Her blog: Cherry Fields .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lactose Intolerance Rates In Canada

confetti, confetti, confetti .....

But ciaoooo! ! How are you? I'm going forward with ups and downs ... and chi mi ferma!!!! ^___^
In questo periodo sono molto impegnata a preparare tanti tanti confetti...per chi sono? Beh, dovete sapere che a breve le Broccole diventeranno zie...siiiii...nostra sorella Maria Rosaria avrà una bimba :))) e potevo mai farmi scappare un'occasione come questa??? naaaaaaa....era già da tempo che volevo provare a decorare i confetti e così, armata di tanta pazienza, ne ho preparati un po' per la mia bella nipotina...non vedo l'ora che nasca per potermela strapazzare di baci!!!!
Non saranno bellissimi, non saranno perfetti, ma sono fatti con tantissimo amore....

Eccoli qui....

...decorati plump with emoticons in pdz ...

... with roses and flowers .... always pdz

...decorati con ghiaccia e cioccolato bianco...

Scusate se vi ho ammorbato con tutte queste foto, ma è una gioia così grande, che volevo condividerla con tutti voi :))

un abbraccio grandissimo e tantissimi baci


Friday, November 12, 2010

Sample Message For Welcome Baby

Tutorial Friday / Friday tutorial: twisted necklace

Very nice this technique to weave the threads of metal, the yield is very attractive.
A really nice wire technique with an interesting effect.

Tutorial link: Cuivre Entrelacé (in French)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sinusitis More Condition_treatment


I look around and realize that the mediocrity is not perceived as a defect. I see many young (and not) do not bother to rise from the crowd but instead try to get it all with minimal effort . How
buy stuff from a few cents for the satisfaction of saying "I paid only ..." without worrying that lasts one day, so when it breaks you throw it away and buy another.
As we prepare to graduate exams in six days, and not in six months, preparing and making the argument, but as you become more and doctor, who cares whether or not prepared. How
refuse to do anything with the excuse that one can do without groped at least before you try to do it.
there are examples galore. This
opportunism, this lack of quality, this lack of effort, irritates me. irritates me the lack of pride in achieving the objectives struggling, working, spinning the wheels of the brain. The brain is only used to find tricks to make others work in place. And it is irritating. Evidently
..... I'm getting old :))))

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hunting Birthday Cake Ideas

Book on Tuesday / Thursday featuring:

Here Czech artist, his very special jewelry in polymer clay, as usual I'm fascinated by the effects of color here are amazing ...

And here I'm featuring a Czech artist, truly special her jewelry in polymer clay, as usual I'm fascinated by the color effects That Also here are amazing ...

His blog / Her blog: EH Design

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dirt Bike Race Track Cakes

Friday Tutorial: paper beads

I would say that they never pearls are made of ...... paper?
Would You Ever Say That These beads are made out of .... paper?

Source / Source : Paper beads

Material used: triangular strips of paper, a metal tip, paint overglaze.
Materials you'll need: Strips of paper cut into triangles, metal roller, gloss varnish.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Adolescenti Incestuose

Book on Tuesday / Thursday featuring: Patricia Boyd

Patricia Boyd is American, lives in California, in Pasadena and is the daughter of art, is thanks to his mother, in fact, which began to devote himself to sculpture. His works are an expression of his African roots. Patricia transforms the empty dried pumpkins (yes you read right - we're on the subject) in real masterpieces, and figures which they live.
Patricia Boyd is American, lives in California, in Pasadena and is the daughter of an artist: thanks to her mother, in fact, she devoted herself to sculpture Began to. Her works are an expression of her African roots. Patricia transforms gourds (yes you read right) in real masterpieces, in living creatures.
Your site / her website: Gourd sculpure